Our Destiny by the Numbers{01001101}
Data : can give us control over
our futures.
Data : can be manipulated
and unreliable if we don't
guard it's accuracy.
Data : is an indispensible
tool for change.
Data : is the best way to
examine our past and predict
the future.

Do you read tea leaves or look for signs in the sky, trying to get some hint of what's coming tomorrow or the next day? 

All of us wish we could predict the outcome of events that could change our lives. But tea leaves and stars may not be the most reliable way to predict the future.
Maybe it's time to try a new more modern approach. Today if you want to know what's trending, who's a rising or falling star or what career path to take, you need only consult the numbers. If you look close enough the data will show you the way.

BrightSeed Collaborative will be gathering data that we hope will give you glimpses of what tomorrow will bring for you and the rest of the descendants of Africa.